Thursday 6 October 2011

Weekly Music Video - Caves By Elitist

Lately I haven't been able to to much with the blog, as for now I am learning coding languages like html, php, css etc and how to work with servers and domains, I have yet to actually purchase some web hosting. I will hopefully be releasing another site (actually properly designed and all scripted by me) early January, hopefully earlier, but knowing the amount of information I will have to take in and design, most likely half way into next year. Though I believe it is a good idea. Still have other domains to purchases.


Unknown said...

Awesome song mate, i just wish that the beatdown was more kickass though.

Michael Westside said...

Great song bro.

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Wondered where you've been! Great video.

pownyhof said...

Ah the song is aweful sorry :D , you already posted way better tunes :P

Raydriel said...

The song, sounds nice, but is not my style :P, I like it...

Overware said...

Didn't knew about these guys, but they don't seem bad at all.

Anonymous said...

it sounds great video is good too

Anonymous said...


AyJim said...

cool video man

Anonymous said...

Epic scenery!!
I am really impressed!
good one!

AgusFan said...

Good song! It's Awesome!

Sulzbatron said...

reat song!! keep the good posts! +following

Hypnotic said...

Great Video !

Hento the loony repairman :D said...

A new discovery for me "Elitist" the sound pumps my veins and i love the beat, gonna look forward for more from them <3 thanks!

Unknown said...

Cool one.

DM said...

Simply amazing!

cool_cicler said...

They look very talented, thanks for showing me such great music!!

Xenofonte said...

cool song mate

Anonymous said...

good luck, thats a lot to take in. But I bet it'll be great!

Anonymous said...

In fact that i dont like screamo/growling this song is very good imo...^^

wolvz said...

cool song and music video! :D

Publius said...

a very good band

Sasho said...

Great song and very interesting video :)

Joana Galhardo said...

kick ass!

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