Friday 5 August 2011

The Devil Wears Prada - Studio Update 3

The Devil Wears Prada is working on their next full length album after the "Zombie EP" and keep track of it with a bit of fun updates, giving a nice artist view on them making music, and probably my favourite thing about these videos, that it shows how nice and fun loving these guys are even though some may think "oh they scream they must be sad and emo and hate things" as some people get the impression, though it is their own ignorance.

Latest update that was today.

Update 2

Update 1


Shahan said...

Ooh excellent, thanks for the info

It's not actually too bad =3

T Papar said...

they are awesome and make good music!

Anonymous said...

Interesting never actually heard of these guys definitely gonna check their other songs out

Diego Sousa said...

that's a really gay name for a band, in my humble opinion :)

my day in a sentence said...

These dudes bring the noise!

Railard J. said...

I have heard them once, should I look for the band's cds?

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Really intense, was wondering when their next release would be.

Electric Addict said...

haha updates are pretty funny. great music

Sketchar said...

@Railard J.
And yes you should, they have a few pretty nice albums.

Thomas Duder, Author of the Things said...

I know this has NOTHING to do with this post...

But y'know, I have my own band? We haven't even really started up and if it's not one fucking point of drama it's another.

Just sayin'...sometimes, y'know, I wish things WERE easier. I mean, how hard can it be to simply bust out and start a band, y'know?

With that stated, I'll check these guys out. Looks like they got their shit together at least...

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