Thursday 25 August 2011

Theme Update

As I have not been able to update the blog with news and reviews. I will be soon updating the theme. The theme is some what not so original and the pixel spacing is terrible, but aspects of it I like. So I will be changing the spacing on the widgets and posts soon.

The blog is going to be updated with the usual posts soon after I am over with the use of some new domains and hosting. Till then.



Mark said...

I think the theme looks okay, maybe a bit of tweaking here and there. Looking forward to the new one.

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Sounds good!

Anonymous said...

looks nice, i need to update mine as well

Michael Westside said...

you go girl

Ryodo said...

Should work on mine. Either way it looks nice.

Ryodo said...

Need to work on mine aswell. Looks good either way !:)

Personman said...

I think the theme looks fine! you have nothing to change!

Radu said...

I like the current black theme. Those diagonal stripes on the background also fit well. And the blog overall, I like it :)

+1, keep it up!

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